NOTE: Writing is something I wanna improve at, and thus I'm not very content with many of my previous journal posts, the journal posts reflect an older version of this site and I'm not sure If they're worth updating to be in line with this new version of the site.
[Journal#012 8/16/2024]
"I talk about 2 of Ai Yazawa's Josei Manga, her portrayals of her protagonists dreams, and then ramble about my own possible dreams.. or lack thereof."
[Journal#011 8/11/2024]
"Journal where I talk about how Fighting Game colors are cool.
[Journal#010 7/16/2024]
"I ramble about a fighting game that's arguably not well known."
[Journal#009 7/1/2024]
"It's nice to have an arcade nearby that has actually cool things, I talk about Rhythm games a bit, and then some other stuff.."
[Journal#008 6/27/2024]
"Where I talk about a relatively obscure, oft forgotten Korean MMORPG I used to play. Talking about my experiences, what I enjoyed, and learn many, many, even more obscure Japanese collaborations with the game."
[Journal#007 6/25/2024]
"It's my sites 1 year anniversary, also I talk about my site and responsiveness, a bit of a boring journal today."
[Journal#006 6/16/2024]
"I ramble about my website, and my mixed feelings on it, sorta, I'm not actually entirely sure..."
[Journal#005 6/10/2024]
"I went to my first concert, and for Sonic the Hedgehog no less, a shorter Journal post detailing the experience there (it was incredible)."
[Journal#004 4/20/2024]
"Neocities "drama" happened, got gears to turn in my head, the byproduct of that was me talking about some miffs with neocities, what my site is to me, and some other personal takes on personal sites."
[Journal#003 4/19/2024]
"I spent alot of time playing fighting games back then, so why did I stop? I wrote a messy ramble about why in this journal post."
[Journal#002 4/12/2024]
"Random little journal post where I talk about mild distaste for iframes, alongside brief parts on accessibility, and other miscellaneous site stuff this update."
[Journal#001 4/7/2024]
"The beginning of a new era, talking about my time with my site, and talking why stuff on it is the way it is."