Play Fighting Games.

2024 December 02

I was gonna make some tiring spiel about fighting games for like the 3rd time, but i decided i was gonna try and convince people to play them by making an entire page showing off some free or cheap fighting games; which you can visit here or on my home page.

Another motivation for making this was that, to my knowledge, somelike this didn't exist already. I feel like unless your Melty Blood, alot of the free fighting games you can play are simply spread by word of mouth. I highly doubt my page will gain much traction in the slightest; but hey, if someone sees it and gains even a grain of interest in playing one of the listed games, then I'm content.

This is also somewhat of a culmination to my arc of "trying to make friends play fighting games", It seems that throughout my various friend groups I've always sorta tried to "sell" my friends on playing these games; to no real avail, I just wanted my friends to run sets with me was all. Whether it was because i was "too good", lack of real interest, or because they liked playing smash bros more (lol), kinda of annoying but whatever, so was i, I had to have been in like 8th grade when I was acting like a door to door salesman trying to get people to play me in, Blazblue Cross Tag Battle.

Granted, I have done the same in my high-school/adult life, to a much less annoying and calmer degree, which leads to people trying them with me, and liking them; hell i've gotten a few friends to buy Strive atleast, and I naturally made a few friends who were into fighting games before I've met them which is nice.

Anyhow, I just wanted to list some of the reasons I think fighting games are the shit.

- Learning them is like an art

- The style; stuff like characters, music, and general aesthetic are top notch most of the time.

- Playing against others IRL is an unmatched feeling

- They make you seem cool, and alot smarter than you actually are.

- Shit like the following clips .

A post relating to fighting games that stucks to me was Play fighting games (or don't) by, yes i did kinda shamelessly steal the title but who cares, I was gonna make this post more akin to it but decided against it. That said, i do think about one blurb from his post.

"...I love watching shitty players figure out shitty strategies that work. I’m not saying they should play fighting games so I can double perfect them in Third Strike all day."

Cause yeah, fighting games don't have to be a huge deal, fighting games can be going to tournaments to try and take names, join a discord and try to get to know others in the pursuit of the game, endlessly grind a ranked mode, or just you and some friends fucking around.

Play them, you'll find your way, unless you learn you hate them, i didn't account for that sorry.

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