2024 December 312024 was certainly a year, highs, lows, changes, etc. Maybe I didn't pursue as much as I wanted to, but that's fine. I can't atleast talk about a few things still
To just get it out of the way, My resolution for myself for the new year is to try and pursue more creative things, especially within regards to art and this website. I felt like I was holding myself back in terms of that stuff for whatever reason, but I was talking to another webmaster about my idea of wanting to creating a site mascot, whether that comes to fruition soon remains to be seen.

Speaking of website stuff, I'm glad I finally came up with a design for my site that works for me and isn't completely superfluous, I've grown to immensely appreciate SSG's and simple designs, though like I said If i get acquainted with art I would like to decorate the site with more original stuff.

I watched a good amount of anime earlier this year which was nice, even if it was all of that shoujo or romance stuff, but it's what I liked, so, ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Still, I'd like to branch out a bit more next year, I wanna rewatch Beck and start GTO as those have peaked my interest for a while, and maybe finally rip the bandage off and watch Evangelion and see what I've been missing all this time.
I really liked Kare Kano, like, really liked It, probably my favorite thing I watched this year arguably. I've written like... 2 pretty bad write ups for It in the past, so I'd like to give that a 3rd shot sometime in the future, sooner rather than later. In general, I would like to write more """reviews""" of things.
Speaking of weeb shit, I went to my 2nd anime convention this year, that was fun, I played alot of fighting games there. I somehow don't have any photos of that unfortunately, so trust me, I kicked ass.
I was pretty boring when It came to playing games, I mainly labbed fighting games and played on my 3DS, nothing too interesting. Though I do want to make an effort to go to fighting game locals, depending on where I end up during Summer 2025
I talk about fighting games enough on my site, so I'll save myself for now. but you should still play them.
This year, I was alot more appreciative of things and I'm not sure why, I've always been a positive person, but I became alot more conscious of just my surroundings and experiences. I went out alot especially during the summer (can't wait for that, by the way) met alot of new faces even if only for a day, made new friends and all that, It's quite nice. I still don't feel like a complete version of myself like I hoped for myself last year, but I'm getting closer by the day.
Who knows what life will bring me in 2025, but I'm eager for it. :)

Happy New Year to all!

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