
[Review#003] [7/11/2024]

"The woes of high school love, Drama, Emotions, and being a 5'7" Japanese Girl, Obviously."

A high school romcom involving A tall girl and a short boy, they couldn't possibly be a couple, right, right!!!

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Kare Kano

[Review#002] [3/19/2024]

"The Greatest 7/10 Anime Ever"

Perfect high school girl is actually a weird vain person meets boy who is seemingly more perfect than her, Hijinks, Sakuga, and character development ensues until the show ran out of budget.

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Strawberry Marshmallow

[Review#001] [3/1/2024]

"Made smoking and drinking around 12 year olds look cool""

Bunch of elementary students hang around and do kid things, also a 20 year old is there, deadpan hilarity ensues, their also cute I guess. Planning a rewrite maybe.

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