
This is a questionaire I did some time ago, It was pretty fun to do! Original source here. I implore anyone else who sees this to also do this.

1) time and date u started this?

August 2nd 2024, at 7:36AM

2) asl?

I unfortunately do not speak American Sign Language.

...Ok apparently this actually means Age, Sex, Location? I'd rather not answer that, but you can figure out the first 2 pretty easily I think.

3) opinions on musicals?

I don't have much of an opinion on them, but I think CATS Is funny due to a running joke in my friend group.

4) favorite snack?

I tend to always like to try new things rather than sticking to a same ol same ol, so nothing comes to mind for one sole favorite snack, though I am partial to soft eating licorice.

5) have u ever been in love?


6) favorite pokemon?


7) mario kart main?

Dry Bones

8) tf2 main?

I've never touched the game, but I really liked playing as "Team Fortress" in Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed.


9) do you laugh at youtube poops?

I don't watch them, but I probably would.

10) are you listening to music right now?


Ren-ai Spirits - Chatmonchy

11) favorite shape?


12) do you believe in astrology?

Sorta, I'm the kind of person who believes in silly superstitions like that, though I don't particularly think about astrology specifically much.

13) do you believe in the occult?


14) opinions on vocaloid?

Positive, while I don't listen to many Vocaloid or Voice synth songs, I do very much enjoy the art of people creating music using them, and at this point of time, characters like Hatsune Miku are super popular even detached from Vocaloid, which I think Is just peachy.

15) would you ever want to be a rockstar?

Yes, you can blame that on me watching NANA once.

16) do you easily get stressed?

No, I'm a pretty Cool Cucumber

17) what is/was your favorite class in high school?

12th Grade english, because the teacher was actually good at his job.

18) what pokemon type would you be? dual types are allowed lol


19) rei or asuka?

Your answer lies here.

20) favorite html tag?

script tag, though ironically as of now I've removed a bunch of Javascript from my site,

21) are you religious?

No, but I generally respect others beliefs.

22) opinions on nightcore?


23) did you go through any major phase? (emo, goth, weeaboo, etc)

I've been in many phases I'd like to not go into, but I'm currently in my closeted weeb phase.

24) are you good at drawing?

I wish.

25) do you crack your joints?

Yes, I'm not a very well oiled machine.

26) do you read visual novels?

Not often, but I should make an effort to, there's a good amount of them that peak my interest.

27) can you sew?

Not really, though I've attempted to for cosplays.

28) can you cook?


29) most expensive thing you've bought?

Pink and white New Nintendo 3DS LL a few months back

30) opinions on cosplay?

I find cosplay very fun, though I personally think people shouldn't focus on making a cosplay super accurate, it should look a little weird/scuffed. I think people who do cosplay for a living are make it super accurate are a bit strange to me.

31) what's your most hated band/musician?

Kanye West, I love his music, he is also very peculiar, if you know, you know.

32) are you a dramatic person?

No, but I do like to exaggerate my emotions/speaking around my friends for funsies.

33) what emoticon do you use most?


34) can a miracle certainly occur?


35) would you let a vampire suck ur blood?

Sure, It's a free country

36) do you have a celebrity crush?

No, but I think It would also be funny to answer Gilbert Gottfried.

37) do you like snow?

It's lovely when It snows pre christmas, after that though, bleh.

38) were you really into greek mythology as a kid?

No, but I thought the Persona 3 greek Persona designs were really cool (Specifically the main cast).

39) what are some things you could competently deliver a speech on?

Fighting Games, and the experience of being a 2nd generation born asian american immigrant.

40) are you good at spelling?


41) which touhou wud u fuk?

No Answer, but I think it's very funny when people draw Touhou character with 32DD knockers.

42) do you think there's going to be a robot takeover?




44) would you be an angel or devil?

Maybe an Angel, Specifically a Guardian Angel.

45) sine, cosine, or tangent?

Don't mention those around me.

46) do you like licorice?

Absolutely, even if some of the licorice I like isn't technically licorice.

47) whats one thing you cant stand that everyone else loves?

I've never been a fan of FPS games, but at this point in time, It's arguable If even fans of FPS really "love" it at all.

48) what books did you like as a kid?

I was far from a reader as a child.

49) can you play any instruments?

Sadly, No.

50) what song would you want to play at your wedding?

Burn! Little Universe - Milk@Coffee

51) do you believe in reincarnation?

Yes, though It's an upsetting thought of being brought back into this world after death and remember none of your previous self.

52) finish the sentence: I'm just a guy who ______

-Tries their best.

53) have you been to another continent?

Yes, I've been to Asia twice in my life.

54) whats your worst habit?

Being on my phone too often in public with friends.

55) favorite vegetable?

Green/Purple Onion, though I've been growing on Cherry Tomatoes as of late.

56) whats something stupid that scared the shit outta you as a kid?

Getting bad grades in school.

57) whats one of your guilty pleasures?

Being a little too fascinated by Japanese Culture.

58) would you rather be a ghost or a vampire?

A ghost, when I was younger I liked the idea of observing other lives after my death.

59) what do you fear most?

Never having a stable full-time job.

60) do you sleep with any plushies?


61) what hobby do you just not understand?

Maybe not technically a hobby, but Esports.

62) do you like the taste of alcohol?

No, which sucks cause I do like the sensation of getting drunk.

63) are you a hopeless romantic?


64) which deadly sin best fits you?


65) which of your physical features do you like the most?

My thin frame, though it's a blessing and a curse.

66) are your ears pierced?


67) have you ever been in a physical fight?


68) where do you buy your clothes?


69) where would you live if you could live anywhere?

Often I wonder what my life would've been If i was born and raised in Vietnam like my parents instead of being Born in the United States, I think I would choose Vietnam, even If I wouldn't like It.

70) do believe in magic? or is it all a trick?

As far as I'm concerned, everyday can be like magic.

71) have you read umineko when they cry? you should!

I'm not interested, but I'll probably try it atleast once before I die.

72) what is the worst chore to do?

I don't have an answer to this because I'm not an 8 year old.

73) what did your parents almost name you?

My parents are still very stalwart that my birthname was the only name they thought of for me, which I think Is bullshit.

74) what would you want your name to be if you were not your current gender?

I already did that :)

75) what were your first words?


76) what do you want your last words to be?

that was cool

77) when did you first regularly start going online?

I had to have been 5, bad call on my parents.

78) what year do you miss the most?

2009, I was just starting to be conscious then, so alot of my fuzzy memories from then seem alot more cherishable.

79) are you psychic?

I said I was a poison type earlier.

80) would you fuck a clone of yourself? you're not allowed to kill yourself.

Yes, why not.

81) what do you use to listen to music?

Spotify, though I need to get in the habit of actually downloading my music.

82) whats the biggest city you've been to?


83) favorite animal?

Not one animal, but I'm huge on deep sea creatures.

84) what web browser do you use?


85) are you allergic to kitty cats???????????


86) do you like energy drinks?

I think Gatorade/Powerade is fine, but otherwise no.

87) would ever spend money on tf2 unusuals/csgo skins/gacha pulls/etc

No, because I have self control.

88) when do you usually go to bed?

11pm-12am, I still wake up remarkably early despite the fact.

89) how often do you wash your hair?

Exclusively when I shower, my hair is very easy.

90) would you download a car?

If of good quality, yes.

91) what was your favorite show as a kid?

I liked a ton of stuff but I was a Spongebob kid and also The Simpsons, I also really liked Back at the Barnyard, sorry for reminding you of that.

92) whats the silliest hat you own?

I don't wear hats, they aren't bad on me, I just don't typically wear head accessories.

93) what album/song do you're feeling angsty

I don't listen to music when I'm angsty.

94) do you make OCs?

No, but Maybe.

95) whats the goofiest thing you do when completely alone?

Make Strange sounds.

96) do you like fireworks?

I think their pretty.

97) favorite painter?

Keith Haring

98) favorite numbers?


99) what genre of vidya gaems are you really good at? (fps, fightan, danmaku, racing, whatever)

I am arguably good at Fighting Games.

100) time and date you finished this?

August 2nd 2024, at 9:13AM.