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Now Page

This is a now page, This wasn't inspired by any specific now page in particular, If you've been a close follower of my site somehow, you'll know I've dabbled with sorts of "microblogging" esque pages, this will be yet another attempt to fill that kind of pages niche.

As of September 10th 2024

Playing: Miitopia, Tomodachi Life, Gurumin 3D, Splatoon 3 (sporadically.)

Listening: Assorted Old DJMAX Tracks (Lemonade, sO mUCH iN LUV, Long Vacation) because they've been satisfying a certain itch in my head.

Watching: Nothing, Though I plan on rewatching NANA with a friend.

IRL: Anticipating a job interview, for a job I'm a little too keen on getting without any fallback, Learning to cook better.


Yet another website redesign, I've been very conflicted whether I want a simple site, or a more maximalist sort of site. As you can see, I went with the latter, It feels a little bit unneccessary given the fact my website is primarily writings base (which i hope to get better at), but, oh well, I just wanted to have fun with It. Still, I've become alot more conscious about things like memory usage, loading times, and scripts in regards to my site, hopefully this strikes a good balance between style and functionality, though stuff on here currently may not stick around.

I hope to create more pages for my site, on more of a whim and with less reason, stuff akin to my fighting game related pages. I should get in the habit of creating just cause.

In non-site stuff, Theres alot I've been wanting to do, such as learn art, and play fighting games again, whether I will actually do those things will be up in the air.

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