🎔 Playing: Kirby Squeak Squad, Super Mario Party Jamboree.
🎔 Watching: Kirby Right back at ya!
Sometime ago I felt incredibly crummy after getting both a Flu and Covid shot. In the middle of the night I started watching the old Kirby Anime out of nostalgia since that was always a comfort thing when I was a child... It's still quite a nice anime, funny dub and all. I remember watching it all on youtube back when people didn't give a shit about what they uploaded, Good times.
I guess I'm partly back on a Kirby Kick cause of that, Been itching to play a Kirby game so I downloaded Squeak Squad on my 3DS since I never played that one as a kid, It's certainly an easygoing romp, but I like it, nice to finally play the game that Daroach is from. Maybe once I'm stable with money again, I'll buy Return to Dream Land Deluxe and make my girlfriend play it with me, I think I've done repeat playthroughs of many Kirby games over the years, but never Return to Dream Land, wonder why...

🎔 Playing: Pokemon Heartgold, Super Mario Party Jamboree.
I do want to go back to school, give college a genuine try, but I really don't know what I want to do for a living, and the things I do have an interest in either pay low, or require a masters. Oh well.
I've been playing games again that aren't Tomodachi life, been blazing through DS Pokemon games, and got that brand spanking new Mario Party game which is surprisingly good.
It's bullshit, In the good way obviously. This happened to me and the room erupted, this is the kind of robbery you don't see often anymore.
I've been trying more and more to practice digital art; It's weird, I don't really learn traditionally, but I feel one day the pieces will just sorta snap together and I'll get it.

🎔 Playing: Tomodachi Life as always.
No real going ons as of late besides the site redesign and IRL stuff I don't really wanna share here. But the now page lives on...