Favorite Pokemon

Jesus Theres alot of these now.

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I'm surprised I've never talked much Pokemon on my site, given that the franchise has been with me throughout my entire existence. Every few years are so me and my friends do these huge lists, It's always a fun time to see what Pokemon have grown on me, or what Pokemon I'm still not huge on, but I love all Pokemon inherantly. Except for maybe Incineroar, sorry.

I've been replaying all the old Pokemon games as of late, I've currently paused on Sun and Moon, but It's been a good time.

I could talk about why each Pokemon is here, but god, that would be arduous; that said, If your curious about why a specific Pokemon is my favorite, I can give you an answer. But in general, I can say I've always enjoyed the "weirder" Pokemon over the years.

You can make a list like this at https://cajunavenger.github.io/, I'd love to see your list If you care enough.

Garbodor will always be my #1 favorite... I remember being like 5 years old seeing all the new Unova Pokemon in the Japanese version before Black and White came out in the states. Garbodor was like love at first sight.

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