Glad you've found my site! I'll just give you a quick heads up for some things.
Best viewed on desktop, but site is mobile friendly: I've put in the effort to make sure this entire site can work on smaller/mobile screens. If there are issues, let me know via email.
This site has autoplaying music.
This site uses Javascript for the following
•Music Player on most pages.
•Random Image, Video, and Reccomendation on only the home page.
•Navlink Ads.
•The Guestbook.
•Fighting Game Mains Page.
For the first three bullets, these are purely for fun, and not neccesary for my site to function, disabling Javascript in your browser will makes these elements disappear. For the latter two however, you have to have Javascript enabled for these pages to function, atleast for the time being.
This site does not have an age rating or anything, I Just talk about whatever.
If that was all good with you, enter my site with the button above, and enjoy your time here. :)