Welcome to madeinv.love

Glad you've found my site! I'll just give you a quick heads up for some things.

Best viewed on desktop, but site is mobile friendly: I've put in the effort to make sure this entire site can work on smaller/mobile screens. If there are issues, let me no via email.

This site DOES contain Autoplaying Music and Hover Sounds: If that is a concern, disable it in your browser (trying to figure out a way to disable it through a button on my site...)

This site uses Javascript/Jquery for the following functions: Customised Tooltips when hovering over certain elements, The Music Player, Status.cafe, Navlink Ads, Background Switcher and the Random Video/Image on my homepage. I believe it should however function fine without it.

This site does not have an age rating or anything, I Just talk about whatever.

If that was all good with you, enter my site with the button below, and enjoy your time here. :)


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